
Time to Create Your Own Global Escape Hatch

Don’t worry, I’ll keep this short and sweet. No one wants to read thru a full length sales page anymore, and I’d rather just get to the nuts and bolts.

2020 was a historical year. We had a global pandemic, coordinated border closures for 3/4 of the planet, Brexit infinity, murder hornets, race riots in the US, and a political situation in the US that even the creators of “House of Cards” couldn’t envision. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the CIA declassified files acknowledging aliens.

If 2020 has confirmed anything, it’s that having options is critically important. By options, I mean multiple residencies, citizenships, bank accounts, company structure, investments, streams of income, and maybe even a basement full of MRE’s and ammo (only slightly joking about the last two).

What I’m offering is a one-on-one coaching program where we will work together to find solutions to fit your personal situation providing you with your own Global Escape Hatch.

This is a customized program tailored specifically for you. We will get on multiple video calls to go over your current situation, your goals, and together we will develop your plan.

This will include strategies for restructuring your business to minimize or eliminate your tax burden and improve your privacy.

This will include analyzing your finances and working out an investment strategy that may include foreign real estate, cryptocurrencies, peer-to-peer lending, stock and bonds, options, etc. and how and where to hold them to maximize your privacy and taxation.

We will consider alternative residency and citizenship options for you and your family as well as the best places to spend time and establish a home base.

We will also discuss strategies for protecting your wealth and your privacy that I would never discuss or publish publicly.

In 2008 when I first started writing a blog on these topics I was considered on the fringe.

What was once considered extreme measures is now considered necessary for those interested in maintaining or increasing their privacy and wealth.

For this coaching program, I am only accepting 5 ongoing clients at one time. If you are unable to make the purchase at checkout, this means the program is currently full. Feel free to email us and request to be put on the wait list.

The cost of the program is $3197. Here is what it includes:

  • One, 2 hour call every week for 5 weeks, 10 hours total ($3950 value)
  • Unlimited email consultations (Not available for regular clients)
  • One year membership to GWP Insiders ($597 value)
  • Detailed plan customized to your personal situation

For any additional work done, coaching participants will be entitled to member discounts on company formation, trust or private interest formation and administration, access to GWP Insider content, access to live events, access to our private Facebook page, and more.

This program is for people seriously interested in developing and implementing their Global Escape Hatch strategy and are ready to take immediate action.

This will be hands on and you will have to take actions on these strategies to benefit. This program is not for tire-kickers.

The world is rapidly changing. I don’t think there is anyone left on earth that can deny 2020 was a pivotal year.

The question is, “What are you going to do about it?”

I see a world of opportunity. I am more optimistic about the future now than I’ve ever been. But I also see that many strategies from pre-2020 are no longer relevant and we need to take a different approach.

If you see the writing on the wall and are ready to take advantages of these opportunities as well as protect you and your family for generations, join me.

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